Catherine's Wheel

Monday, July 17, 2006

Mouths of Babes

Sitting here on the couch with Dash. I'm too brain-dead to knit, after a succession of bad nights' sleep. You know how it is, the kids are unwell and DH is out-of-town, so you only sleep lightly so you'll hear them if they wake.

First off, Dash asks me if the last Teletubbie is called Ho or Po. Can you imagine a little red figure, lounging seductively against a lamp post down Grey Street, babbling to the kerb-crawlers? Too funny. I'm almost certain that they don't make fishnets for that figure type. No, I do not want to know the URL if there is such a website lol.

Next, we're watching kids gathering blackberries and Dash asks me whether, if you eat poison, you die. Yes, I answer, you'd at least get very sick.

"So why do they have poison berry yoghurt at the supermarket?"

It took me a few seconds to realise he meant boysenberry...


  • Hehehehe - the thought of a sleazy teletubby and the obligatory teletubby pimp is hilarious! I wonder if there is a manufacturer of gigantic feathered hats?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 pm  

  • I just giggle at the thought of La-La in a push-up "bra-bra"!

    By Blogger Moorecat, at 12:19 am  

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